Beauty Blog

Exfoliate Yourself Happy

Exfoliating is the process of removing the top layer of skin which is made of old, dead cells. As the body ages, it slows down the cell rejuvenation process and the skin becomes more dull, rough, and dehydrated. People who regularly exfoliate you will notice more radiant, supple skin. This is because you will continue to encourage the skin to rejuvenate and populate fresh skin cells. Exfoliating will also unclog pores, reduce blackheads, and diminish fine lines. How to use coffee as an exfoliant.

Exfoliating removes the top layer of skin which is comprised of dead skin cells. 

New skin cells are created at the very bottom layer of the skin. As they age cells begin getting pushup up toward the top layer of the skin. You want your skin to regenerate on a regular basis and for cells to turnover faster. How fast your cells regenerate impacts skin elasticity, firmness, vibrancy, and fine lines and wrinkles. Cell turnover rates of babies happen every 2 weeks. Teens and early twenty-somethings should expect cells to turn over every 28-30 days. In aging adults, it occurs every 45-90 days. This might partially explain why babies have perfect plump skin and adults have duller complexions.

Aging plays the biggest part is the decrease of skin turnover but so do other lifestyle factors such as poor diet, smoking, drugs, sun and UV exposure, and genetics. Benefits of exfoliating include:

    • Brightens skin
    • Controls oil
    • Removes blackheads
    • Smoother, softer skin
    • Unclogs pore
    • Clarifies the skin
    • Improves circulation
    • Encourages lymph drainage
    • Boosts collagen production
    • Increases cell turnover
    • Creates a younger more radiant complexion

Physical vs. Chemical Exfoliants

There are two ways to exfoliate, the physical way and the chemical way. Find the most natural ways to exfoliate HERE.

Physical exfoliants include abrasive materials applied to the skin and rubbed to create friction and loosen and remove dead cells. Physical exfoliants are a great choice for anyone who wants to regularly add exfoliating into their weekly beauty routine. Always choose an exfoliant that is compatible with the region and skin condition. For example, you can use harsher items like salt on tougher skin like the feet and elbows. Always opt for gentler scrubs for the face like oats, honey, yogurt or papaya. Apply exfoliants gently and in circular motions to encourage the breakdown of dead cells. We cannot stress enough just how gentle you should be. Excessive pressure will result in tiny tearing and damage.

Chemical exfoliants are applied to the skin and they are able to penetrate a bit deeper to remove dead cells that haven’t quite reached the top layer yet. They weaken the lipids that bind skin cells together. This results in cells that are released from the skin rather than scrubbed off like physical exfoliants. Proper chemical exfoliants will not cause burning or redness and are not as harsh as the word chemical makes you think. Chemical exfoliants are a good choice for people who prefer less occasional exfoliating sessions, anyone who might have a greater buildup of dead cells or people who have skin that is sensitive to physical exfoliants.

The two types of chemical exfoliants are alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA) and beta-hydroxy acids (BHA). Apple cider vinegar, yogurt, and apples naturally contain AHAs which is the best form of chemical exfoliation for anti-aging and evening skin tone. BHAs are more suited for people with oily or combination skin as they are more capable of unclogging pores and clearing away acne. Note that chemical exfoliants make the skin more sensitive to sunlight. Always be sure to protect your skin the first few days after using a chemical exfoliant. Many beauty products such as moisturizer, wrinkle cream, toners, and masks already contain chemical exfoliants in them and you want to make sure that you are not overusing these products or combining too many at one time. 

Overusing exfoliants can leave your skin dry, irritated and even damaged. It is important not to exfoliate more than 2 times a week. You really don’t need to do it more than that and you also need to give your skin enough time to regenerate. 


The more dead skin cells, clogged pores, dirt and oil that is on the face the less effective moisturizers and vitamin creams are. They can’t penetrate through all the debris to do the work they are intended to do. If your vitamin cream doesn’t seem to be working you might want to think about how often you are exfoliating. Clean skin will absorb nutrients and they will perform much better for you. Also, if your foundation seems to make your skin look dried out then it might be that you haven’t cleaned off those dead cells. You can’t very well expect your fancy foundation to be top peak if your complexion routine isn’t.

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