Is Dehydration Causing Your Oily or Acne Skin?

When you hear people say that water is essential to the body and health, believe them. It’s true. Our bodies are made of 60% water and your skin is 64% water. You need water and your skin definitely needs water. When skin is dehydrated it lacks enough water to stay moisturized and protected. To counteract …

Exfoliate Yourself Happy

Exfoliating is the process of removing the top layer of skin which is made of old, dead cells. As the body ages, it slows down the cell rejuvenation process and the skin becomes more dull, rough, and dehydrated. People who regularly exfoliate you will notice more radiant, supple skin. This is because you will continue …

Oil Cleanse Your Face Tonight

This might seem like a scary or ridiculous concept, clean your face with oil? Am I crazy? You are trying to reduce oil and breakouts not add oil. Right? It might sound odd and counterproductive and well, risky but it’s not. Let me explain. Oil cleansing is the method of using oils to cleanse the …