How Inflammation Affects The Skin

Inflammation is a response created by the body that directly communicates to the immune system. The immune system is a network of organs, cells, and tissues that work as a team to defend the body against foreign matter. When the body senses injury or infection it creates inflammation so that the immune system can respond. …

Is Dehydration Causing Your Oily or Acne Skin?

When you hear people say that water is essential to the body and health, believe them. It’s true. Our bodies are made of 60% water and your skin is 64% water. You need water and your skin definitely needs water. When skin is dehydrated it lacks enough water to stay moisturized and protected. To counteract …

Why Does Winter Wreck My Skin?

It’s no coincidence that you start feeling a slight tightness to your skin right around the same time you bring out those chunky sweaters. Along with the cooler temperatures and cozy clothes comes tight, dry skin that never seems to go away. It’s uncomfortable, inconvenient and can sometimes be uncomfortable. Why does the cool weather …

A Complete Guide to Tamanu Oil and How To Use It

Tamanu oil is a dark green oil that is dense and is mainly used for skincare. It’s been used in traditional Polynesian medicines for centuries and studied by scientists since the 1930s. Tamanu oil has been shown to offer many benefits for skin and hair. Some of those benefits include: Increased collagen production Stretch mark …

Why You Want Squalane Oil in Your Beauty Routine

Squalane oil is going to be your new favorite facial product. It’s hydrating and offers many benefits such as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory. Smoothing out the texture of your skin, protecting it from free radicals and keeping redness and irritation away. Oh, did we mention that it absorbs quickly and never feels oily? This clear, odorless …

Why Squalane Oil Is Perfect For Aging Skin

Squalane oil is clear, odorless and has the texture of a gel. It is loaded with antioxidants, fatty acids and will leave you luxuriously hydrated. It’s ideal for aging skin as it offers so many benefits to combat fine lines, wrinkles, uneven texture, sun spots, dullness, and dry skin.  A lot of people are nervous …

7 Ways to Use Tamanu Oil For Better Skin

You might have heard about this oil before. It seems to be relatively new on the beauty scene but don’t be fooled, it’s hardly a new beauty oil discovery. Tamanu oil has been used in the Pacific Islands for centuries to treat many skin conditions. It contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties along with plenty of omega fatty …

9 Best Antioxidants for Supple Skin

There are many factors that contribute to the health and overall appearance of your skin. Daily habits like what you eat, drink, exercise routines, and even stress management all contribute to your overall health and the wellbeing of your skin. It’s good to be aware of every element that can affect your complexion but one, in …

Dry Brushing: Beginner Basics

Dry brushing is the practice of using a dry stiff-bristled brush on the entire body to remove dead skin, increase circulation, and improve digestion. It’s quite an old practice as it can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Indians, Chinese, and Native Americans. Some of the earlier dry brushes were constructed out of …