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How Dry Brushing Benefits the Lymphatic System

Dry brushing has an abundance of benefits for your body and skin. It unclogs pores, detoxes the system, exfoliates, improves digestion, and even makes your skin softer. Another one of the amazing benefits of dry brushing though is that it actually improves your lymphatic system.

The lymphatic system is a huge part of your body’s overall immune system. It identifies harmful bacteria, viruses, and cells and moves them to filtration points where they are attacked, killed and removed from the body. It’s pretty incredible when you think about it. So, then why do you catch a cold or the flu or something more serious? There are many ways that the immune system can get slowed down and fail altogether. You need to know how to support your lymphatic system in ways that make it more efficient and stronger. Let’s first dig deeper into the lymphatic system and see exactly how dry brushing benefits it.

Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is a group of vessels, nodes, and organs that filter waste, toxins, infections and other harmful cells. About 2 liters of fluid a day get expelled from the body’s cardiovascular system and is carried away by the lymphatic system. This fluid is expelled by the body’s tissue from tiny capillaries and is matter that is too big to get back into veins via the blood. It generally consists of excess fat, toxins, debris, bacteria, and viruses. It flows through the system to the nearest lymph node where it is filtered and harmful cells, bacteria or viruses are attacked and killed.

The lymphatic system is a prominent component of your total immune system. This means that if your lymphatic system is not working effectively you will be sicker for longer periods of time, possibly have system blockages and fluid retention. It could become more serious with issues like cancer and viruses that the immune system is not strong enough to fight. For these reasons, it is important to know how the lymphatic system works and what type of elements support it.  

Unlike the blood, there is no pumping system that moves the lymphatic fluid to filtration points and beyond. The system relies on stimulation and activity. The more sedentary a person is the slower their lymphatic system will be and hence it will be easier for them to get sick. Along with a sedentary lifestyle, other factors also influence the lymphatic system. Some of those factors include:

    • Poor diet
    • Lack of exercise or movement
    • Tight clothing (including underwear and bras)
    • Inadequate sleep
    • Poor hyigene
    • Stress
    • Dehydration
    • Smoking
    • Excessive alcohol

Dry Brushing

Dry brushing is the act of gently brushing dry skin in upward sweeping motions. It is amazing for improving circulation and stimulating blood flow. This increased circulation also affects the lymphatic system and encourages movement. It will not only stimulate the system but it will help clear any blockages that might be causing fluid retention.

The best time to dry brush is first thing in the morning. Get into the shower as if you are going to bathe but do not turn on the water just yet. Using your dry brush go in sweeping movements starting from your feet and working your way toward your heart. Always do this using very light pressure as dry brushing should never feeling uncomfortable or painful. Go over each section 2-4 times before moving to the next area. Once you have finished, turn on the water and shower as usual. This will remove and dead skin and cells you have exfoliated in the process. For an added bonus alternate the water temperature from warm to cold a few times. This will literally expand and contract lymph vessels and flush the system. Other ways to flush the lymphatic system HERE.

Role of Dry Brushing

By adding dry brushing to your regular cleansing routine you will be supporting and encouraging your body’s lymphatic system to filter and rid the body of toxic matter. It also will clear out your system and remove fluid retention that looks and feels like bloating. I personally hate the feeling of being bloated so this alone sold me on dry brushing.

The correct way to dry brush is by using specific directional sweeps. The entire reason for this is so that you are actually working with the natural flow of the lymphatic system. Unlike blood, there is no pumping system that helps move the lymphatic fluid through the body. It really depends on physical activity, proper diet, regular massages, and less restrictive clothing. It is very easy for the lymphatic system to get slowed down or even blocked due to poor lifestyle choices or even a combination of a few bad choices.

Correct direction to move while dry brushing

Say for instance you regularly consume fried, processed foods and wear tight clothing, well those two things alone can slow down your lymphatic system. This will lead to an increase of colds, sore throats, fluid retention, and potentially more serious issues later on. It honestly does not take much for the system to start slowing down and for you to feel the effects of that.

For best results dry brush 2-4 times a week and if you have sensitive skin try once a week until you adjust. It should really only take between 5 and 10 minutes to do which is well worth its benefits. Be sure to gentle swipe upwards and toward the heart. Remember to never dry brush on broken, irritated, infected or sunburned skin.

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