11 Ways to Boost Your Lymphatic System

The lymph (lymphatic) system is a network of thin tubes, vessels, tissues, organs, and main node points. The lymph system is a vital part of the immune system. This system protects the body by clearing out damaged cells, infections, toxins, and cancer.  Lymph nodes are central filtration points that remove cancerous cells, damaged cells, and infectious …

How Dry Brushing Benefits the Lymphatic System

Dry brushing has an abundance of benefits for your body and skin. It unclogs pores, detoxes the system, exfoliates, improves digestion, and even makes your skin softer. Another one of the amazing benefits of dry brushing though is that it actually improves your lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a huge part of your body’s overall immune system. …

Jade Rollers and How They Improve the Lymphatic System

Jade rollers have become a very mainstream beauty staple and seem to be endorsed by everyone from celebrities and beauty bloggers to Sephora salespeople and your closet friend. Why though? What is the hype? Is it really worth it?  Let’s first look at the origins of jade rollers (Here is the one I use) and …