Beauty Blog

How to Prevent Free Radicals From Harming Your Skin

Free radicals are constantly entering our systems. Sometimes they are caused by external factors such as pollution, smoking, medication, contaminated water, pesticides, alcohol or sun exposure. Other times they are caused by poor diet from foods that are processed, fried or even stress. Additionally, the body creates a small number of free radicals as it processes food into energy.

The actual presence of free radicals is normal and the body is able to cope with them regularly. They start to become hazardous to our health when we are exposed to high numbers of free radicals on a regular basis. It overwhelms the system and starts to create imbalances and health problems. A high amount of sun exposure combined with a diet filled with fried foods and alcohol is enough to create a high number of free radicals that the body cannot cope with.

As free radicals enter the body they look for another atom to pair up with. Free radicals love to be paired up so they go searching for something to attach to, an electron. As they draw out an electron from a molecule, the molecule becomes destabilized and turns into a free radical. This sets off a continuous chain reaction that damages cells and DNA. Damaged molecules and an overabundance of free radicals can lead to tumors, cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alsheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, ulcers or even arthritis. 

Role of Antioxidants

This is where antioxidants come into play. Antioxidants are compounds found in fruits and vegetables that protect cells from oxidative damage. They prevent cells from being attacked and broken down by free radicals. We need antioxidants to keep our cells safe from disease, cancer, and premature aging. For this reason, it is important to incorporate foods that have high amounts of antioxidants. Some top sources of antioxidants are:


  • Blueberries
  • Pecans
  • Chestnuts
  • Walnuts
  • Plums
  • Tomatoes
  • Grapes
  • Amla (Indian Gooseberry)


  • Clove 
  • Oregano
  • Cinnamon


  • Espresso
  • Green Tea
  • Moringa


It is great to incorporate antioxidant-rich foods into your diet. However, other dietary factors play a role in free radicals and damage. Alcohol, processed foods, fried foods, and smoking create free radicals within the body and can overload the system.

Foods cooked in oil at very high temperatures is bad because the oil becomes oxidized. This is actually a chemical reaction that happens in oil that is heated to high temperatures and that oxidation transfers to the foods cooked in it. Foods cooked in oxidized oil create free radicals in the body when eaten. Always limit fried food consumption and better yet, try out an air fryer instead. They use no oil at all and still give you that crispy, crunchy result.

Processed foods such as meats, bread, cereal, and cookies also contribute to free radical levels. Many of these foods contain chemicals and preservatives that act negatively when the body begins to process them for energy.

Alcohol, tobacco, certain medications, and drugs have similar effects as the body fights the damage they cause. They disrupt the natural processes of the body and not only create stress but damage. This stress and damage are, you guessed it, from free radicals.

The Skin

As this continuous damage and harmful chain reaction progress, it alters DNA and changes the way new cells grow. This is essentially how free radicals cause advanced aging and grey hair. Skin will become wrinkled and lose its elasticity, sag, and brown spots might also appear. It is damaged on a cellular level and as a result, will appear aged.

The good news is that the skin naturally contains antioxidants as a form of protection from free radicals. However, overexposure to free radicals and depleted antioxidant resources can quickly lead to damage. You might even start to notice sun spots or brown spots after just one summer of constant sun exposure. That is damage from free radicals and it can happen quickly. 

As of right now, there is no way to test for free radicals so each person should be aware of some of the causes and how exposed they are on a regular basis. 

    • Smoking
    • Poor diet (processed foods, fried foods, sugar, red meat)
    • Contaminated water
    • Sun exposure
    • Alcohol
    • Pollution
    • Pesticides
    • Certain Medications and drugs
    • Excessive stress 

Being aware of the types of free radical exposures and limiting them is the first line of defense. The second step is to incorporate antioxidant-rich foods and the third is proper skincare. The best way you can prevent cellular damage is to apply vitamin dense oils and serums to the skin. The most beneficial forms of antioxidants are vitamins A, C, and E so choose a facial oil that contains at least one of those vitamins.

Final Thoughts

Remember that free radicals are natural by-products of the body as well. Eat a balanced diet and try to avoid environmental free radical contributors. You don’t need to bombard your body with a diet only filled with antioxidant foods. You can reduce and reverse free radical damage by eating healthy, managing stress, avoiding excessive alcohol, and not smoking. 

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