A Complete Guide to Tamanu Oil and How To Use It

Tamanu oil is a dark green oil that is dense and is mainly used for skincare. It’s been used in traditional Polynesian medicines for centuries and studied by scientists since the 1930s. Tamanu oil has been shown to offer many benefits for skin and hair. Some of those benefits include: Increased collagen production Stretch mark …

9 Best Antioxidants for Supple Skin

There are many factors that contribute to the health and overall appearance of your skin. Daily habits like what you eat, drink, exercise routines, and even stress management all contribute to your overall health and the wellbeing of your skin. It’s good to be aware of every element that can affect your complexion but one, in …

Dry Brushing: Beginner Basics

Dry brushing is the practice of using a dry stiff-bristled brush on the entire body to remove dead skin, increase circulation, and improve digestion. It’s quite an old practice as it can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Indians, Chinese, and Native Americans. Some of the earlier dry brushes were constructed out of …

How to Prevent Free Radicals From Harming Your Skin

Free radicals are constantly entering our systems. Sometimes they are caused by external factors such as pollution, smoking, medication, contaminated water, pesticides, alcohol or sun exposure. Other times they are caused by poor diet from foods that are processed, fried or even stress. Additionally, the body creates a small number of free radicals as it …

11 Ways to Boost Your Lymphatic System

The lymph (lymphatic) system is a network of thin tubes, vessels, tissues, organs, and main node points. The lymph system is a vital part of the immune system. This system protects the body by clearing out damaged cells, infections, toxins, and cancer.  Lymph nodes are central filtration points that remove cancerous cells, damaged cells, and infectious …

Jade Rollers and How They Improve the Lymphatic System

Jade rollers have become a very mainstream beauty staple and seem to be endorsed by everyone from celebrities and beauty bloggers to Sephora salespeople and your closet friend. Why though? What is the hype? Is it really worth it?  Let’s first look at the origins of jade rollers (Here is the one I use) and …

Coffee Grounds Make You Glow

Coffee grounds have some pretty amazing benefits beyond your morning cup. There are specific nutrients and antioxidants in coffee that not only ward off free radicals but stimulate blood flow for enhanced circulation. To read more about these specifics CLICK HERE. Here are just a few of the best ways to use coffee grounds along …

Banish Eczema – The Natural Way

Eczema can be difficult to deal with and embarrassing at times. It is frustrating that there isn’t a cure or even a full understanding of this skin problem. The good news is that there are many ways to manage eczema to reduce and eliminate flare-ups. It is important to remember that eczema is not contagious …

The Best Oils for Skin Care

Using oils on the face and body has many amazing benefits. They are natural, full of pure nutrients, easily absorbed into the skin and promote health and optimal skin condition. However, not all oils are compatible with every skin type. Anyone with combination skin, acne-prone skin or other skin issues need to ensure the oils …

Shea Butter: The Secret to Youthful Skin

Originally sourced from West Africa, shea butter is the extracted fat from shea tree nuts. It has a thick, creamy texture that becomes soft and melted at body temperature. It is made up of 60% fat and lots of vitamins making it a fantastic skin replenishment. Shea butter is more functional for skin than coconut …