Beauty Blog

Hemp Oil and Why you want it on Your Face

Hemp oil is made by pressing hemp seeds derived from a strain of Cannabis Sativa that contains almost no THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Prior to the seeds being pressed, they are thoroughly cleaned to ensure no THC is present. This strain of plant is solely for the production of hemp and cannot be converted into a drug variety.

The use of hemp might seem like a new trend or even one that you can personally date back to your own life. However, hemp has been used for much longer. In fact, the oldest known paper from China was made of hemp. In the early 1900s US currency was printed on paper made of hemp.

Hemp oil contains a 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids. Thi sis important because omega-6 and 3 work as a team to soothe skin and strengthen the immune system. Anyone who has sensitive or acne-prone skin, eczema, psoriasis or dry patches need this mix of omegas to resolve and heal skin problems.

The dense amount of antioxidants in hemp oil makes it a fantastic face oil. It not oil hydrates and restores the skin but it also creates a strong outer barrier so that skin stays protected from UV rays, smoke, pesticides, and other environmental pollutants.

Linoleic Acid

Linoleic acid enhances the strength of the skin’s outer barrier. A strong skin barrier means that irritants and pollutants stay out while hydration and nutrients remain within the skin. A strong skin barrier also reduces the likelihood of acne, eczema, dryness, and signs of aging.

Since linoleic acid keeps skin hydrated and supple it aids in the healing process of wounds. Hydrated skin heals faster with fewer chances of scarring.

Omega-3 and omega-6

Omega fatty acids are key components to cell structure and general function. Both omega-3 and 6 are not produced by the body so they need to be incorporated through diet or supplements.

Omegas also relieve dry skin and eczema by keeping skin hydrated from deep within the skin. These omegas work together as a team balancing the body and fighting off any intrusions. Omega-3 calms inflammation and soothes irritation while omega-6 triggers the immune system to combat any viruses or bacteria.


Inflammed skin has several symptoms such as redness, uneven pigmentation, scars, itchiness, dermatitis, psoriasis, or acne. There are several ways to prevent and treat such skin issues. The first is to evaluate diet and make adjustments to limit processed and fried foods. The next is to eliminate any cosmetics or face products that irritate the skin. Lastly, apply anti-inflammatory nutrients to the skin.

There are numerous nutrient properties in hemp oil that contribute to its anti-inflammatory powers. Vitamins A, C, and E found in hemp oil protect the skin’s barrier and support healthy immune system function. This is essential for reducing and eliminating inflammation.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A Protects from UV rays which is one of the biggest factors in aging skin. It is a potent antioxidant which means that it fights free radicals and prevents cancer cell growth. Free radicals are pollutants and environmental factors that cause damage to the skin, internal organs and even cause cancer, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s. Things like cigarette smoke, smog, UV rays, fried foods, alcohol, heavy metals, chemical solvents, and pesticides are all examples of free radicals.

This vitamin also encourages the production of collagen growth so that the skin stays strong and plump. It also has anti-inflammatory properties making it an ideal nutrient to help relieve acne, calm the skin and regulate natural oil production.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps block UV rays and can also reverse UV damage. It stimulates cells to repair any damage caused by free radicals. Consuming antioxidant-rich foods such as berries, dark chocolate, spinach, and beets fight free radicals from within the body. Topically applied vitamin C fights skin damage from free radicals.

As skin ages, it naturally decreases collagen production resulting in wrinkles and lost elasticity. Vitamin C actually helps stimulate cells and encourages the production of collagen. Vitamin C adds hydrogen and oxygen to the amino acids directly responsible for collagen production.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is mainly an antioxidant that blocks free radicals and helps reverse some of the damage they cause. This delays and reduces wrinkles to keep skin looking vibrant and toned.

Vitamin E is also great for scars and aids in fast healing. It can be used on stretch marks or closed wounds to speed up the healing process. This makes it ideal for acne and any ance related scarring. One of the symptoms of vitamin E deficiency is dry skin so applying this vitamin to any dry spots will heal and nourish trouble areas.

Choosing an Oil and Usage

When choosing hemp oil try to find one that is cold-process, unrefined, and organic. This ensures that the oil contains the highest amounts of nutrients because it is less processed. Once the bottle is opened, store hemp oil in the fridge to preserve and extend its shelf life. If stored in the fridge then it should be good for 6 months to 1 year.

The best time to apply oil to the body is directly after taking a shower when the skin is still damp. Take your oil into the shower and once you turn off the water, lightly pat your skin dry and apply the oil. The skin will absorb the oil faster, it will be easier to spread, and you will need less product compared to applying to dry skin. It’s best to do this at night or when you have enough time to allow the oil to fully absorb into the skin.

Apply hemp oil to the face after it has been thoroughly cleansed. Feel free to apply it to either damp or dry skin. A thin layer is all you need so be sure to only use a small amount. The best time to apply face oil is at night so that the skin can fully absorb the oil and use the nutrients when it is doing most of its regenerating.

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